工作舱内尺寸Internal size (mm):1000*1000*800
整机尺寸Complete machine size(mm):3100*1000*2100
除尘箱尺寸Dedust box sizes(mm):600*600*1680
电源(Power):220V 50Hz
机器照明灯(Machine floodlight):220V 20W节能灯
转台承重(Turntable bearing):150kg
分离器电机(Separator motor):220V 50Hz 0.55-3KW
分离器风量(Separator air volume):20立方米/min
压缩空气源(Compressed air source): 2-7bar(kg/c㎡)
特点Product features;
1. 特殊轨道推车设计,可把重型工件吊放在上面,十分方便,省力;
Special rail cart to the design, can hang on the heavy work, is very convenient, energy;
2. 推车转盘,可根据客户要求加固;
The cart wheel, according to customer reinforcement;
3. ·一体式结构手动推车携带转盘,可自由进出;
One-piece structure with rotary table, can be manually cart freedom;
4. ·磨料回收,排风效果好,可耐高温;
Abrasive recovery, exhaust effect and can be high temperature resistant;
5. ·操作模具工艺要求,喷射力度可调;
The operation process requirement, injection mould strength adjustable;
6. ·外观设计新颖合理,整机高度适中;
Appearance design is novel, the reasonable high moderate.
适用范围(Applicable scope):
本系列机适用于各类重型工件,产品的表面喷砂处理,如各类模具表面的梨地加工(喷砂)、模具咬花及雾面处理.电脑外壳模具 ,重力压力模具等大型工件。本系列机操作方便,可采用轨道推车上卸料,省力,加工效能好。本系